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Founded in 1997, in the city of São Paulo, affiliated to ESOMAR and several other Market Research Associations, BRAZIL FIELD operates in the most diverse techniques of market and opinion research, covering all of Brazil and the main cities of Latin America.
We were born in São Paulo, and today, the voices of our analysts, moderators, interviewers and field researchers echo in the five continents, taking the colors of Brazilian professionalism to different parts of the world and making the country even more colorful by carrying out international partnerships and qualitative and quantitative research that speak out and clarify about our country. Because the Brazilian will is as big as this nation, BRAZIL FIELD has already developed projects for major brands, and continues to fight bravely for a field research work that is a national and international reference.
Our work is supported and supervised by the main research associations in Brazil and around the world, such as ESOMAR (European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research), CRA-SP (Regional Board of Administration of São Paulo) and ASBPM (Brazilian Association of Market Researchers in Opinion and Media), ensuring accurate data collection and following research industry ethics and confidentiality guidelines. We are also committed to the search for truth and respect for respondents´ freedom and equality, which must prevail among all human beings.
BRAZIL FIELD is composed of professionals with high expertise in the national and international market research industry, and their voices, ideas and initiatives strengthen our nation's market research sector. Being brave Brazilians who have a life story made of love for work, family and life, since 1997, all of them have as their goal to explore the country and the world through a consistent performance carried out through their own offices, as well as by through solid partnerships with national and international companies and professionals. Ethics, quality in research work and timely presentation of results are the pillars on which they are based to face the fearless adversities of the global market and conquer their victories.
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