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The market is made by unique individuals.
Understand your target audience.
RESEARCH and implement the most effective strategy.


Types of Quantitative Research offered by Brazil Field Market Research


The quantitative method aims to investigate a problem and understand its rational dimension, expanding the results obtained for the considered universe. In short, this type of research provides numerical information, treated statistically, about the consumer.



Data Collection - Quantitative Research

These are the ways in which the data will be obtained from the respondents and considering the source of obtaining these data (whether previously available or not) primary or secondary data are used.
Through DESK RESEARCH we can collect official data from economic or population censuses, from institutions, associations, internal sources or through the database provided by the client.
When it is not possible to use secondary data, the survey of primary data to be obtained in the field is started.
For AD HOC and Continuous Surveys, we use several primary data collection techniques in conjunction with the main digital tools available on the market.


  • F2F & Online
    • B2B
    • Healthcare/Pharma
    • Consumer
  • Home (in-home usage test)
  • Probabilistic
  • flow point


  • Central intercept
  • Central location
  • Clinics
  • Phone Interviews
  • Scheduled Interviews
  • On duty shifts in stores and magazines


  • On duty retail shifts
  • Tracking
  • CAPI – computer assisted personal interview
  • CATI – computer assisted telephone interview
  • CASI – computer assisted self-completion interview
  • CAWI – computer assisted web interview

Processing, Analysis and Delivery of Reports

In processing the data, we obtain the numerical results of the responses. Through the different types of processing, we define the data crossing variables and the bases for calculating percentages.
In the analysis, information is produced based on the responses obtained in the project and aimed at the research objectives. In possession of the information, a report will be presented with the summary of the main statistical data and also the interpretation of these results for the strategic planning and decision making of the client.