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Different Research Solutions served by Brazil Field Market Research
We work with solutions for the entire chain of the research process.
Client satisfaction
Habits and attitudes
Consumer Profile
Image of brands and institutions
Testing products and services
Product implants
Pre and post testing of commercials/ads
Purchase Behavior
Category Management
Socioeconomic survey
Price collection
Purchase impact
Market potential
Focus Group
Medical Area in all specializations
Voting intention
Public opinion and politics
Mystery Client
Administrative assessment
Client registration update
Below, we present a simplified way of considering the most common approaches in research planning, where a flow of decisions starts from the type of public that is sought to be known, consideration of the source of data collection, nature of the information to be collected and, finally, what frequency is needed to collect the information.
Source: FRANCESCHINI, et al., Theory and Practice of Applied Research. ed. 01. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier, 2011. P. 111, fig. 11.1
Following the planning flow suggested in this concept map, we will arrive at an effective planning, with the appropriate methods for the research solution.